Northern Sotho - Scots Gaelic T'ikrachiy

Northern Sotho, Scots Gaelic yachaykunapi mana yachanichu kaspam? Kunanqa Scots Gaelic nishpa rimayta icha yachayta yachanapaqmi kanchu kay Northern Sotho-man Scots Gaelic-man t'ikrachiqninta.

Qelqan "Le kae?" Scots Gaelic-man "Ciamar a tha thu?" nisqaman t'ikrasqa kanqa.

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Google-pi maskayta yapay sumaq lloqsiyta --> Northern Sotho-man Scots Gaelic-man T'ikrachiy Languik

Northern Sotho simipi rimaykuna, Scots Gaelic-pi nisqankunapaq

Northern Sotho-man Scots Gaelic-man Kusikuykuna, chayamuykuna

Northern Sotho-pi Scots Gaelic-pi
Thobela mogwera waka Halò mo charaid
Le kae? Ciamar a tha thu?
Thobela Madainn mhath
Thobela Feasgar math
Bošego bjo bobotse Oidhche mhath
Thobela Halò
Ke sebaka re sa kopane Is fhada bho nach fhaca mi thu
Ke a leboga Tapadh leat
Le amogetšwe Fàilte
Itira gore o be ka gae! Dèan thu fhèin aig an taigh!
E ba le letšatši le lekaone! Latha math dhut!
Tla go bona ka moragonyana! Chì mi thu a-rithist!
Eba le leeto le lebotse! Abair turas math!
Ke swanetše go ya Feumaidh mi falbh
Ke tla boa gatee-tee! Bidh mi ceart air ais!

Northern Sotho-man Scots Gaelic-man Munaykuna, waylluykuna

Northern Sotho-pi Scots Gaelic-pi
Na o lokologile gosasa mantšiboa? A bheil thu saor feasgar a-màireach?
Ke rata go le mema dijong tša mantšiboa Bu mhath leam cuireadh a thoirt dhut gu dinnear
O bonala o le yo mobotse! Tha thu a 'coimhead brèagha!
O na le leina le lebotse Tha ainm brèagha agad
Na o ka mpotša ka mo go oketšegilego ka wena? An urrainn dhut barrachd innse dhomh mu do dheidhinn?
Naa o nyetšwe? A bheil thu pòsda?
Ke single Tha mi singilte
Ke nyetše Tha mi pòsta
Na nka ba le nomoro ya gago ya mogala? An urrainn dhomh an àireamh fòn agad a bhith agam?
Na o na le diswantšho tša gago? A bheil dealbhan agad dhut?
ke a go rata is toil leam thu
Ke a go rata tha gaol agam ort
O kgethegile kudu! Tha thu gu math sònraichte!
Na o be o tla nnyala? Am pòsadh tu mi?
Pelo ya ka e bolela polelo ya lerato Tha mo chridhe a ’bruidhinn cànan a’ ghràidh

Northern Sotho-man Scots Gaelic-man Munaykuna, Yachachinapaq rimaykuna

Northern Sotho-pi Scots Gaelic-pi
Paseka e monate Càisge Shona
Ngwaga o moswa wa lethabo! Bliadhna Mhath Ùr!
Matšatši a Maikhutšo a Mabotse! Saor-làithean sona!
Re go lakaletša mahlatse! Beannachd leat!
Matswalo a mabotse! Co-là-breith math!
Re a lebogiša! Meal do naidheachd!
Dikganyogo tše dibotse! Gach dùrachd!
Ke wena mang? Dè an t-ainm a th 'ort?
Lebitso la ka ke (Jane Doe) . Is e m ’ainm (Jane Doe)
Ke lethabo go kopana le wena! Toilichte coinneachadh riut!
O tšwa kae? Cò às a tha thu?
Ke tšwa (U.S) . Tha mi à (U.S)
Na o a e rata mo? An toil leat e an seo?
Ye ke monna wa ka Seo an duine agam
Ye ke mosadi wa ka Seo mo bhean

Northern Sotho-man Scots Gaelic-man Apachimuykuna

Northern Sotho-pi Scots Gaelic-pi
Thušo! Cuidich!
Ema! Stad!
Mollo! Teine!
Lehodu! Mèirleach!
Kitima! Ruith!
Bitša maphodisa! Cuir fios gu na poileis!
Bitša ngaka! Cuir fòn gu dotair!
Bitša ambulense! Cuir fòn chun an carbad-eiridinn!
Na o lokile? A bheil thu ceart gu leòr?
Ke ikwa ke babja Tha mi a ’faireachdainn tinn
Khemisi ya kgauswi e kae? Càite a bheil a ’bhùth-leighis as fhaisge?
Khomola fase! Gabh air do shocair!
O tla loka! Bidh thu ceart gu leòr!
Na o ka nthuša? An urrainn dhut mo chuideachadh?
Na nka go thuša? An urrainn dhomh do chuideachadh?

Northern Sotho-man Scots Gaelic-man Hatun wasi, Mikhuy wasi, Qhatu rimaykuna

Northern Sotho-pi Scots Gaelic-pi
Ke na le peeletšo (bakeng sa phapoši) . Tha àite glèidhte agam (airson seòmar)
Na o na le diphapoši tšeo di lego gona? A bheil seòmraichean agad?
Ka shaoara / Ka ntloana Le fras / Le seòmar-ionnlaid
Ke rata phapoši yeo e sa kgogego Bu mhath leam seòmar gun smocadh
Tefišo efe ka bošego? Dè a ’chosgais a th’ ann gach oidhche?
Ke mo ka kgwebo /ka maikhutšo Tha mi an seo air gnìomhachas / air saor-làithean
Na o amogela dikarata tša mokitlana? A bheil thu a ’gabhail ri cairtean creideis?
E tla bitša bokae? Dè a chosgas e?
Lebitso la sejana sena ke eng? Dè an t-ainm a th ’air a’ mhias seo?
E bose kudu! Tha e glè bhlasta!
Se ke bokae? Dè a tha seo a 'cosg?
Ke no lebelela Tha mi dìreach a ’coimhead
Ga ke na phetogo Chan eil atharrachadh agam
Se se bitša kudu Tha seo ro dhaor
Rekega Saor

Northern Sotho-man Scots Gaelic-man P'unchawllapi rimaykuna

Northern Sotho-pi Scots Gaelic-pi
Ke nako mang? Dè an uair a tha e?
Mphe se! Thoir dhomh seo!
Na o na le bonnete? A bheil thu cinnteach?
Go a tonya (maemo a boso) . Tha e reòta (aimsir)
Go tonya (meather) . Tha e fuar (aimsir)
Na o a e rata? An toil leat e?
Ke tloga ke e rata! Is fìor thoil leam e!
Ke swerwe ke tlala Tha an t-acras orm
Ke nyorilwe tha am pathadh orm
O a segiša Tha e èibhinn
Ka Mesong Anns a 'mhadainn
Mantšiboa Anns an fheasgar
Bošego Air an oidhche
Phakiša! Greas ort!
Seo se bose! Tha sin snog!

Kay Northern Sotho-man Scots Gaelic-man t'ikrachiqqa imaynataq llank'an?

Kay Northern Sotho-man Scots Gaelic-man llank'anaqa Google, Microsoft, Yandex nisqanqa yachachisqan yanapaqmi kamarisqan. Qelqasqayki Northern Sotho simipi rimayta, ñit'iyta chaskiy botón-man, t'ikrachiq llank'anaqa (llank'anaman) mañakusqa kanqa Northern Sotho rimayta Scots Gaelic rimayman.

Kayqa yanapaqmi kan, mananqa runamanta yanapaychus kachkanchu, chayrayku yanapaqmi, kusisqamanta kachkan. Chayrayku, imaynatakaqqa qanpa willayniykiqa manan atikunmanchu icha rikunmanchu runamanta.

¿Pi runakunaqa atinku kay watiqasqa Northern Sotho-man Scots Gaelic-man t'ikrachiyta llank'anayta?

Wikipedia nisqan Northern Sotho simiqa runakuna riman. Aswanmi Northern Sotho simi rimanqa -pi kachkan. Scots Gaelic simiqa runakuna riman. Aswanmi Scots Gaelic simi rimanqa -pi kachkan. Kay Northern Sotho-man Scots Gaelic-man t'ikrachiqqa llank'anapaqmi kanchu chayqa; huk runakuna (yachachiqkuna, yachaq runakuna), yanapaq runakuna (médicos, yanapaq runakuna, willayniyoqkuna & blogkunapi qelqanapaqkuna), icha huk yanapanapaqmi kanchu. Ñakariq, yanapaqmi kachkaptiyki Scots Gaelic t'ikrachiq llank'anaqa, huk saywakuna kanchu. Mananqa kanmanchu legal yanapaykunapaq. Legal t'ikrachikunaqa runa t'ikrachiqwan kamarisqa kanqa.

Northern Sotho simi rimanapaq rimay yanapananpaq.

Internet nisqan t'akikusqanmanta, kay pachapiqa hatun llacta tukurqan, maypiqa rimaykuna huk simikunamanta riman. Northern Sotho simi rimanapaqqa sasachakun kanqa Scots Gaelic simi rimanapaqwan rimanaypaq. Kay yanapaq Northern Sotho-man Scots Gaelic-man t'ikrachiqta tukurqanmi kanchu rimay saywankiman yanapanaypaq.

Maymantaraqmi Languik yanapaq Northern Sotho-man Scots Gaelic-man t'ikrachiqta llank'anayta?

  1. Facil llank'anapaq
  2. Utapas, yanapaqmi
  3. Aswan yuyaynintachá
  4. Wiñaypaq llaqtaykikunaman willayta yapay
  5. 100+ simikunaman t'ikray

Ñawpaq tapurikunam (FAQ) Northern Sotho t'ikrachiq llank'anamanta

Kay Northern Sotho-man Scots Gaelic-man t'ikrachiqqa chayachisqam kaptinmi?

Arí, kay Northern Sotho-man Scots Gaelic-man t'ikrachiqqa chayachisqami kanchu. Sumaqmi kaptinqa, Northern Sotho-man Scots Gaelic-man utqaylla t'ikranaypaq, runa yanapaqninman mana yanapaykuspa.

Imaynataqmi atini Scots Gaelic-man Northern Sotho-man t'ikranayta?

this-man ñit'iy, p'anqaqa kichariq. Qelqamuy Scots Gaelic simi rimayki, ñit'iyta chaskiy botónwan, Scots Gaelic t'ikrachiyta taruq p'anqapi.

Maypiqa atini Northern Sotho-man Scots Gaelic-man t'ikranayta?

Kay yanapaq Northern Sotho-man Scots Gaelic-man t'ikrachiqqa atinqa Northern Sotho p'anqakunata, t'ikrachikunata, tatuq simikunata, willaykunata, mikhuykunaykipaq rimaykunata t'ikranaypaq. Mananqa atikunmanchu legal yanapaykunapaq. Importante Northern Sotho qelqasqakunataqa, Runa t'ikrachiqwan Northern Sotho-man Scots Gaelic-man t'ikrachiyta ruwanaykichisqa kanqa.

Atinichu kay Northern Sotho-man Scots Gaelic-man T'ikrachiyta wamp'uchayta?

Arí! Atinkim Northern Sotho-man Scots Gaelic-man t'ikrachiyta wamp'uchaypi. Languik Northern Sotho t'ikrachiq llank'anaqa layout nisqanqa llapan wamp'uchakunapi, chayrayku atinku llapan wamp'uchakunamanta, huch'uy wamp'uchakunamanta hatun wamp'uchakunaman.

Imaynataqmi atini simikunata Northern Sotho-man Scots Gaelic-man t'ikranayta?

Northern Sotho simikunata Scots Gaelic-man t'ikranapaqmi atinku, Northern Sotho simikunata qelqaspa ñit'iyta chaskiy botónwan. T'ikrachiy p'anqapi Scots Gaelic nisqan imaynataka Northern Sotho simi rimaymanta taruqmi kanqa.

Rimay t'ikrachiykuna

Northern Sotho-man Afrikaans-man t'ikrachiq Northern Sotho-man Albanian-man t'ikrachiq Northern Sotho-man Amharic-man t'ikrachiq Northern Sotho-man Arabic-man t'ikrachiq Northern Sotho-man Armenian-man t'ikrachiq Northern Sotho-man Assamese-man t'ikrachiq Northern Sotho-man Aymara-man t'ikrachiq Northern Sotho-man Azerbaijani-man t'ikrachiq Northern Sotho-man Bambara-man t'ikrachiq Northern Sotho-man Basque-man t'ikrachiq Northern Sotho-man Belarusian-man t'ikrachiq Northern Sotho-man Bengali-man t'ikrachiq Northern Sotho-man Bhojpuri-man t'ikrachiq Northern Sotho-man Bosnian-man t'ikrachiq Northern Sotho-man Bulgarian-man t'ikrachiq Northern Sotho-man Catalan-man t'ikrachiq Northern Sotho-man Cebuano-man t'ikrachiq Northern Sotho-man Chichewa-man t'ikrachiq Northern Sotho-man Chinese (Simplified)-man t'ikrachiq Northern Sotho-man Chinese (Simplified)-man t'ikrachiq Northern Sotho-man Chinese (Traditional)-man t'ikrachiq Northern Sotho-man Corsican-man t'ikrachiq Northern Sotho-man Croatian-man t'ikrachiq Northern Sotho-man Czech-man t'ikrachiq Northern Sotho-man Danish-man t'ikrachiq Northern Sotho-man Divehi-man t'ikrachiq Northern Sotho-man Dogri-man t'ikrachiq Northern Sotho-man Dutch-man t'ikrachiq Northern Sotho-man English-man t'ikrachiq Northern Sotho-man Esperanto-man t'ikrachiq Northern Sotho-man Estonian-man t'ikrachiq Northern Sotho-man Ewe-man t'ikrachiq Northern Sotho-man Filipino-man t'ikrachiq Northern Sotho-man Finnish-man t'ikrachiq Northern Sotho-man French-man t'ikrachiq Northern Sotho-man Frisian-man t'ikrachiq Northern Sotho-man Galician-man t'ikrachiq Northern Sotho-man Ganda-man t'ikrachiq Northern Sotho-man Georgian-man t'ikrachiq Northern Sotho-man German-man t'ikrachiq Northern Sotho-man Greek-man t'ikrachiq Northern Sotho-man Guarani-man t'ikrachiq Northern Sotho-man Gujarati-man t'ikrachiq Northern Sotho-man Haitian Creole-man t'ikrachiq Northern Sotho-man Hausa-man t'ikrachiq Northern Sotho-man Hawaiian-man t'ikrachiq Northern Sotho-man Hebrew-man t'ikrachiq Northern Sotho-man Hindi-man t'ikrachiq Northern Sotho-man Hmong-man t'ikrachiq Northern Sotho-man Hungarian-man t'ikrachiq Northern Sotho-man Icelandic-man t'ikrachiq Northern Sotho-man Igbo-man t'ikrachiq Northern Sotho-man Iloko-man t'ikrachiq Northern Sotho-man Indonesian-man t'ikrachiq Northern Sotho-man Irish Gaelic-man t'ikrachiq Northern Sotho-man Italian-man t'ikrachiq Northern Sotho-man Japanese-man t'ikrachiq Northern Sotho-man Javanese-man t'ikrachiq Northern Sotho-man Kannada-man t'ikrachiq Northern Sotho-man Kazakh-man t'ikrachiq Northern Sotho-man Khmer-man t'ikrachiq Northern Sotho-man Kinyarwanda-man t'ikrachiq Northern Sotho-man Konkani-man t'ikrachiq Northern Sotho-man Korean-man t'ikrachiq Northern Sotho-man Krio-man t'ikrachiq Northern Sotho-man Kurdish (Kurmanji)-man t'ikrachiq Northern Sotho-man Kurdish (Sorani)-man t'ikrachiq Northern Sotho-man Kyrgyz-man t'ikrachiq Northern Sotho-man Lao-man t'ikrachiq Northern Sotho-man Latin-man t'ikrachiq Northern Sotho-man Latvian-man t'ikrachiq Northern Sotho-man Lingala-man t'ikrachiq Northern Sotho-man Lithuanian-man t'ikrachiq Northern Sotho-man Luxembourgish-man t'ikrachiq Northern Sotho-man Macedonian-man t'ikrachiq Northern Sotho-man Maithili-man t'ikrachiq Northern Sotho-man Malagasy-man t'ikrachiq Northern Sotho-man Malay-man t'ikrachiq Northern Sotho-man Malayalam-man t'ikrachiq Northern Sotho-man Maltese-man t'ikrachiq Northern Sotho-man Maori-man t'ikrachiq Northern Sotho-man Marathi-man t'ikrachiq Northern Sotho-man Meiteilon (Manipuri)-man t'ikrachiq Northern Sotho-man Mizo-man t'ikrachiq Northern Sotho-man Mongolian-man t'ikrachiq Northern Sotho-man Myanmar (Burmese)-man t'ikrachiq Northern Sotho-man Nepali-man t'ikrachiq Northern Sotho-man Norwegian-man t'ikrachiq Northern Sotho-man Odia (Oriya)-man t'ikrachiq Northern Sotho-man Oromo-man t'ikrachiq Northern Sotho-man Pashto-man t'ikrachiq Northern Sotho-man Persian-man t'ikrachiq Northern Sotho-man Polish-man t'ikrachiq Northern Sotho-man Portuguese-man t'ikrachiq Northern Sotho-man Punjabi-man t'ikrachiq Northern Sotho-man Quechua-man t'ikrachiq Northern Sotho-man Romanian-man t'ikrachiq Northern Sotho-man Russian-man t'ikrachiq Northern Sotho-man Samoan-man t'ikrachiq Northern Sotho-man Sanskrit-man t'ikrachiq Northern Sotho-man Scots Gaelic-man t'ikrachiq Northern Sotho-man Serbian-man t'ikrachiq Northern Sotho-man Sesotho-man t'ikrachiq Northern Sotho-man Shona-man t'ikrachiq Northern Sotho-man Sindhi-man t'ikrachiq Northern Sotho-man Sinhala-man t'ikrachiq Northern Sotho-man Slovak-man t'ikrachiq Northern Sotho-man Slovenian-man t'ikrachiq Northern Sotho-man Somali-man t'ikrachiq Northern Sotho-man Spanish-man t'ikrachiq Northern Sotho-man Sundanese-man t'ikrachiq Northern Sotho-man Swahili-man t'ikrachiq Northern Sotho-man Swedish-man t'ikrachiq Northern Sotho-man Tajik-man t'ikrachiq Northern Sotho-man Tamil-man t'ikrachiq Northern Sotho-man Tatar-man t'ikrachiq Northern Sotho-man Telugu-man t'ikrachiq Northern Sotho-man Thai-man t'ikrachiq Northern Sotho-man Tigrinya-man t'ikrachiq Northern Sotho-man Tsonga-man t'ikrachiq Northern Sotho-man Turkish-man t'ikrachiq Northern Sotho-man Turkmen-man t'ikrachiq Northern Sotho-man Twi-man t'ikrachiq Northern Sotho-man Ukrainian-man t'ikrachiq Northern Sotho-man Urdu-man t'ikrachiq Northern Sotho-man Uyghur-man t'ikrachiq Northern Sotho-man Uzbek-man t'ikrachiq Northern Sotho-man Vietnamese-man t'ikrachiq Northern Sotho-man Welsh-man t'ikrachiq Northern Sotho-man Xhosa-man t'ikrachiq Northern Sotho-man Yiddish-man t'ikrachiq Northern Sotho-man Yoruba-man t'ikrachiq Northern Sotho-man Zulu-man t'ikrachiq